꽃 이야기

북한산의 여름.

털보나그네 2009. 7. 12. 16:56



여름어느날 북한산엘 갔다.

그곳에서 많은 친구들을 만났다. 



등로초입길가 보도블럭사이를 삐집고 나와 꽃을피운 괭이밥.


등로 내내 눈에 달고다녔던 꿩의 다리.

지금 한참 꽃을 피우는 시기인가보다...









바위틈,길가,성벽틈사이에서 피어나는 양지꽃.










위대한 발견이다!


처음만나보는 꽃이다.













▼ 짚신나물.




Once A Part Of Me / Eric Johnson

Here's a note to say I'm fine
But words escape between the lines
And tells the story, how the glory
Of all our love, fades to dust

But it's all over and done now
Like a bottle placed on the sea
The story of how
You were once a part of me

What's become of our love
Just what's that word I'm speaking of?
When no more the trust, love deserted us
We have built our world on sand

Now is the hurting
Now is the pain
But there will be an answer



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